₹ 6,335.05
Bayer CropScience Ltd
Bayer CropScience Ltd is a Small Cap stock that belongs to the Pesticides & Agrochemicals sector. The current live share price of Bayer CropScience is ₹ 6,335.05 that is ₹ 109.70 -1.7% with respect to the previous day’s close price. The stock price of Bayer CropScience was last updated 2 days ago.
Bayer CropScience Stock Price Performance
In the below section, we have evaluated the stock’s price performance for the last traded day as well as historical time frames.
Bayer CropScience Live Share Price Analysis
₹ 6,335.05
Open ₹ 6,446.65
High ₹ 6,506.45
Marketcap 284.71B
Close ₹ 6,335.05
Low ₹ 6,315.00
Volume ₹ 10,525.00
The stock of Bayer CropScience Ltd strated the trade at an Open price of ₹ 6,446.65 when the trading at exchange began for the day. It touched an Intraday High price of ₹ 6,506.45 and an Intraday Low price of ₹ 6,315.00%. As per last updated 2 days ago, the Shares of Bayer CropScience were trading at a price of ₹ 6,335.05 which is ₹ 109.70 -1.7% as compared the price ₹ 6,444.75 at which the stock close on the previous trading day. The total traded volume for the day stood at 10,525 number of shares.
Candlestick Chart of Bayer CropScience Share Price Movements
The following candlestick Chart of the Stock shows how the Open, High, Low, Close (OHLC) Price of the share has performed in the last month (30-day period).
Historical Performance of Bayer CropScience Shares
52 Week Range | Price | 52 Weeks Low | 52 Weeks High |
₹ 6,335.05 | ₹ 4,812.90 | ₹ 7,196.85 |
Here is Bayer CropScience’s price performance analysis over the last year. The stock has seen the 52 weeks high price level of ₹ 7,196.85. On the lower side, the stock has been to the 52 weeks low price level of ₹ 4,812.90. It’s last traded price was ₹ 6,335.05 as on last update 2 days ago. The one-year line chart clearly shows how the price of Bayer CropScience’s stock has moved in the last twelve months.
The Company has posted an earnings of ₹ 148.24 per share (EPS TTM) in the trailing twelve months period. Bayer CropScience’s last annual dividend rate was 140%, which translates to a 2.21% of annual dividend yield.
Line Chart of Bayer CropScience Stock Price
Here is the chart of stock price performance for the last one year. You can also view the price performance of a different period by selecting the time frame from the top right corner.
Companies Similar to Bayer CropScience
Bayer CropScience Ltd belongs to the Pesticides & Agrochemicals sector. It has several competitors in the same industry. The snapshot of the live share price of some of the companies similar to Bayer CropScience are listed below. You can click and view the details of stock analysis, current and historical share price, company background information about each company.
Share Price Snapshot Companies Similar to Bayer CropScience
Select list of companies is given below. To view more about the Industry and see other companies from Pesticides & Agrochemicals Industry, click on the industry name.
₹ 392.70
BSE₹ 6.80
1.70%About Bayer CropScience
Bayer CropScience Ltd is a Multi National Company. The company operates in the Pesticides & Agrochemicals sector. It is engaged in the manufacturing of insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides and herbicides. Incorporated in 1958, it has around 63 years of operations. Bayer CropScience live share price is ₹ 6,335.05. It is a Small Cap stock and had a market capitalization of ₹ 284,710,436,864.00 as on 2 days ago.
- Bayer CropScience operates through Agri Care segment.
- The Company offers crop solutions for various crops, such as cotton, fruits, millet, mustard, pulses, rice, soybeans, sugar cane, vegetables and wheat.
- The Company offers various pest management solutions, such as Professional Pest Management for household / structural pests and Vector Management for pests that pose a threat to public health.
- The Company offers various brands, such as Aliette, Antracol, Folicur, Melody Duo and Nativo under the fungicides category; Adora, Adue, Atlantis, Basta, Laudis, Lucifer, Raft, Ricestar and Topstar under the herbicides category; Admire, Alanto, Confidor, Decis 100, Fame, Flotis, Jump, Larvin, Oberon and Spintor under the insecticides category; Gaucho, Monceren, Raxil and Raxil Easy under the SeedGrowth category, and Ethrel and Planofix under the others category.
The registered office of Bayer CropScience is located in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The registrar and share transfer agent for Bayer CropScience is TSR Darashaw Consultants Pvt Ltd. The Stock Exchanges on which shares of Bayer CropScience Ltd is listed includes BSE, NSE, MCX.
Status: Active
Sector: Basic Materials
Industry: Agricultural Inputs
Employees: 1317
Bayer CropScience Limited engages in the manufacture, sale, and distribution of insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and various other agrochemical products and corn seeds in India, Germany, Bangladesh, and internationally. It provides medicines primarily in the therapeutic areas of cardiology, gynecology, diabetes, oncology, and ophthalmology; and computed tomography, X-Ray, and magnetic resonance imaging devices. In addition, the company offers consumer health products that are used as a daily health solution to treat minor illnesses, as well as sells and distributes hybrid seeds, such as corn and paddy. Further, it provides digital farming products comprising FarmRise and other digital applications, such as drones for spray services, etc., as well as provides various technologies, such as remote sensing, IoT sensors, GPS, artificial intelligence, and data analytics to monitor and manage crop growth, soil quality, weather patterns, and other factors. The company also exports its products. Bayer CropScience Limited was founded in 1863 and is based in Thane, India.
Address | Bayer House, Thane, India |
Country | India |
Phone | 91 22 2531 1234 |
Website | |
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