National Fittings Ltd
National Fittings Ltd is a Small Cap stock that belongs to the Castings, Forgings sector. The current live share price of National Fittings is ₹ 139.15 that is ₹ 6.30 4.74% with respect to the previous day’s close price. The stock price of National Fittings was last updated 17 hours ago.
National Fittings Stock Price Performance
In the below section, we have evaluated the stock’s price performance for the last traded day as well as historical time frames.
National Fittings Live Share Price Analysis
The stock of National Fittings Ltd strated the trade at an Open price of ₹ 133.75 when the trading at exchange began for the day. It touched an Intraday High price of ₹ 140.00 and an Intraday Low price of ₹ 133.50%. As per last updated 17 hours ago, the Shares of National Fittings were trading at a price of ₹ 139.15 which is ₹ 6.30 4.74% as compared the price ₹ 132.85 at which the stock close on the previous trading day. The total traded volume for the day stood at 3,296 number of shares.
Candlestick Chart of National Fittings Share Price Movements
The following candlestick Chart of the Stock shows how the Open, High, Low, Close (OHLC) Price of the share has performed in the last month (30-day period).
Historical Performance of National Fittings Shares
52 Week Range | Price | 52 Weeks Low | 52 Weeks High |
₹ 139.15 | ₹ 19.45 | ₹ 140.00 |
Here is National Fittings’s price performance analysis over the last year. The stock has seen the 52 weeks high price level of ₹ 140.00. On the lower side, the stock has been to the 52 weeks low price level of ₹ 19.45. It’s last traded price was ₹ 139.15 as on last update 17 hours ago. The one-year line chart clearly shows how the price of National Fittings’s stock has moved in the last twelve months.
The Company has posted an earnings of ₹ 0.31 per share (EPS TTM) in the trailing twelve months period. National Fittings’s last annual dividend rate was 1.5%, which translates to a 1.1290929% of annual dividend yield.
Line Chart of National Fittings Stock Price
Here is the chart of stock price performance for the last one year. You can also view the price performance of a different period by selecting the time frame from the top right corner.
Companies Similar to National Fittings
National Fittings Ltd belongs to the Castings, Forgings sector. It has several competitors in the same industry. The snapshot of the live share price of some of the companies similar to National Fittings are listed below. You can click and view the details of stock analysis, current and historical share price, company background information about each company.
Share Price Snapshot Companies Similar to National Fittings
About National Fittings
National Fittings Ltd is a Private Company. The company operates in the Castings, Forgings sector. It is engaged in manufacturing and marketing spheroidal graphite (SG) iron grooved and screwed pipe fittings, stainless pipe fittings and ball valves for industrial and nonindustrial applications. Incorporated in 1993, it has around 28 years of operations. National Fittings live share price is ₹ 139.15. It is a Small Cap stock and had a market capitalization of ₹ 1,263,924,480.00 as on 17 hours ago.
- National Fittings offers stainless steel pipe fittings and SG cast fittings.
- The Company’s segments include Outside India and Within India.
- The Company’s products include Grooved Pipe Fittings, including Snap lock Coupling Style 20, Reducing Coupling Style 25, Grooved Flange Style 14, Mechanical Branchlets Style 13, Standard 45 Deg Elbow Style 101, Standard Equal Tee Style 110, Short Pattern Cross Style F135, Short Pattern End Cap Style F155, Flange Adapters Style 190 and Nipples Style 35; Stainless Steel, including Rigid Coupling Style 05S; Screwed Pipe Fittings, including Equal Tee, Elbow 90, Socket, Cap, Red Elbow, Red Tee, Red Socket, Hex Bush and Square Plug, and Valves, including Grooved End Butterfly Valve and Grooved End Ball Valve.
The registered office of National Fittings is located in Coimbatore Dist, Tamil Nadu. The registrar and share transfer agent for National Fittings is SKDC Consultants Ltd. The Stock Exchanges on which shares of National Fittings Ltd is listed includes BSE.